Southside Men’s Bible Study
January 19, 2022 6:30 am
Introducing Real Men: a video-driven discipleship small group curriculum designed to empower men to learn from the examples, both good and bad, of the real men of the Bible. Rick Burgess, best-selling author and co-host of the nationally syndicated radio show The Rick and Bubba Show, has partnered with Iron Hill Men to create this powerful discipleship resource for men. Real Men equips men’s small groups with five-week studies looking at the stories of eight different heroes of our faith, guys like:
- Abraham
- Joseph
- Joshua
- David
- Elijah
- John the Baptist
- Peter
- Paul
Each of session of Real Men engages the group with a 12-15 minute video that leads into an interactive, in-depth time of small group Bible study.
This is the time to grow closer to Jesus and better lead as a man. Register today to save your spot!