Southside KIDS

Southside KIDS

Southside Kids is designed solely for the purpose of helping children know, love, and follow Christ.  Our Kids’ Ministry is deeply committed to seeing kids reached with the Gospel.  We believe children are very capable of understanding the truths of the Gospel and have the ability to repent of their sin and trust Christ for their salvation.

We help children learn foundational truths from God’s Word each week through intentional, age-appropriate Bible studies and activities and by partnering with parents to help equip them to disciple their children.

We provide childcare for ages 6 weeks to 2 year olds and age-graded Bible classes for kids 2 years old – 6th grade during all weekly service times.  These fun and high-energy classes are led by trained and committed volunteers who share our vision and passion for kids.

Southside Kids


First time guests are encouraged to stop by the Welcome Center for more information about our Preschool and Kids Ministry. We understand dropping your child off in a new environment can be an overwhelming experience and we want to make the transition as easy as possible. When you arrive, you will be asked to fill out a Guest Information card. Once that is completed, a staff member or volunteer will walk you and your child to their classroom where you will meet their teacher and see their classroom. We use a digital check-in procedure that provides your child with a label so that their teachers and caregivers will always have allergy and emergency contact information readily available.


Southside PRESCHOOLERS – AGE 4 OR 5 (before Kgr)


We believe in active and hands-on learning experiences with our busy preschoolers.  From the time they walk through the door, they will enjoy a variety of activities that center around their Bible Story for the day.  Children will participate in learning activities, crafts, music, games and more as they learn about Jesus’ love for them.  Preschoolers are invited to stay downstairs in the preschool wing for an additional hour of Preschool Worship as their parents attend worship.  Birth – 4 year olds will stay in the preschool area, while K-6th graders will be dismissed from the worship service following music to attend Children’s Worship on the kids’ hallway on the 2nd floor.

Wednesday Night
6-7 pm

Wednesdays are a time of discipleship for our kids (K-6th graders) at Southside.  We created a ministry unique to Southside called Southside Kids, where they learn to worship through Music, a Missions Message and purposeful games.  Our time of Bible teaching involves tons of fun to impact kids and reach out into our community.  This ministry helps develop within our kids a love for God’s Word and hearts to serve Christ.  We offer childcare for birth-2 year olds while our preschoolers (ages 3-5) have their own exciting and missions-centered learning time called Southside Preschoolers!


Our Elementary Kids are studying through the Bible each week using a gospel-centered curriculum.  This study helps kids understand the entire story of Scripture and how each story points to our Savior.  During Kids’ Worship, they will attend a large group time where they will experience Worship through music, games, videos, and a message from the Word of God.

Wednesday Night 6-7 pm

Wednesdays are a time of discipleship for our kids (K-6th graders) at Southside.  We created a ministry unique to Southside called Southside Kids, where they learn to worship through Music, a Missions Message and purposeful games.  Our time of Bible teaching involves tons of fun to impact kids and reach out into our community.  This ministry helps develop within our kids a love for God’s Word and hearts to serve Christ.  We offer childcare for birth-2 year olds while our preschoolers (ages 3-5) have their own exciting and missions-centered learning time called Southside Preschoolers!

Favorite Links:

“Let the little children come unto Me, and forbid them not; for such is the kingdom of God.”
Luke 18:16


Southside Baptist Church
Preschool/Daycare Ministry

Our preschool and daycare ministry at Southside Baptist Church exists to provide a biblical foundation for children ages 6 weeks – five years old.  We believe it is vitally important to teach children that God loves them!  Our ministry is staffed with experienced and caring adults who love children and desire to share the love of Christ with them.

Southside Baptist Church Preschool/Daycare ministry is open Monday-Friday, 7:00 am to 5:30 pm.  We offer half-day 3K and 4K preschool classes from 8:30 – 12:00, as well as a full daycare program for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.  If you have any questions about our ministry, or would like to tour our facility, please contact us at 256-442-0220.