If you are planning to visit Southside Baptist for the first time, this page is for you! We hope to answer many of your questions here so you can spend your early Sunday morning preparing for worship instead of worrying about all the details.

What do I wear?

Wear what you are comfortable wearing. Typically, you’ll see everything from jeans to suits and dresses.

What should I bring?

Just bring yourself and anybody else you want to bring! Come as you are! A Bible is handy, though we’ll be happy to provide one.

Where do I park?

If you come for worship there is generally plenty of parking around the main Worship Center. As you get to know our church there may be a more convenient place to go directly to the age appropriate ministry area. 

When are the service times?

Sunday morning Small Groups start at 9:00am with Service following at 10:15am. Wednesday “Midweek” Bible Studies/Activities start at 6:00pm.

Do you have childcare?

We provide childcare for all services and activities. 

What small groups are available for my Family?
  • Sunday Small Groups which are divided by age and grade begin on Sunday Mornings at 9:00am. There are many options for small groups that meet at various times throughout the year. If you are interested to check out a particular group, please call the church office.
  • Wednesday Evening is packed with activities for all ages too! Southside Kids & Southside Preschoolers are both designed for age groups ranging from 3 years old through sixth grade. We also have student worship, adult small groups, prayer service, and choir/orchestra rehearsals. For those who need it, childcare is available for birth through age 2.
  • Please visit our Ministry page for more details.
Will I be asked to fill out information?

For those visiting with us for the first time, there is a Connection Card located on the back of each pew that we would like for you to fill out, but is not required. This information helps us get to know you and connect with you.