Watch Your Mouth

James 3:1-12

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  1. Instructions on ____________________ and the Tongue
    a) Warning to potential_______________(v.1)
  2. Instructions on _________________ and the Tongue
    a) Power of speech __________________ (v. 2)
    b) Power of speech ___________________ (v. 3-5)
  3. Instructions on ___________________ and the Tongue
    a) Consequences of speech are _______________ (v. 6)
    b) Consequences of speech are ________________ (v. 7-8)
  4. Instructions on ____________________ and the Tongue
    a) Our speech has potential for ________________ and ____________________ (v. 9-10)
    b) Our speech is an outward __________________ of an inner ____________________ (v. 11-12)

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