Our vision for members of Southside Baptist Small Groups is for them to grow in God’s Word as they study in Community with each other and Engage the world around them. No matter your life stage, plugging into a Small Group community is vital to your spiritual health. Whether you are a new college student, parent of young kids, senior adult, or any stage in-between, we want to help you get plugged into a Small Group. There are groups that meet every week and others meet once a month. Most groups meet on our campus, but some meet in homes- there is a fit for you! Check out the Small Groups listed here. We are here to help you as you navigate this Journey.


They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and [c]signs were taking place through the apostles. And all the believers were together and had all things in common; and they would sell their property and possessions and share them with all, to the extent that anyone had need. Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved." - Acts 2:42-47

Find Your Group!


When: Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room: 142, Preschool Wing

Toddlers & 2’s
When: Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room: 143, Preschool Wing

3’s & 4’s
Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room: 149, Preschool Wing


K & 1st Grade
When: Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room: 240, Upstairs in Children’s Wing

2nd Grade
Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room: 247, Upstairs in Children’s Wing

3rd & 4th Grade
When: Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room: 251, Upstairs in Children’s Wing

Club 56
Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room: 268, Upstairs in Children’s Wing


Middle School Girls
When: Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room: 265, Upstairs in Youth Wing

High School Girls
When: Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room: 261, Upstairs in Youth Wing

Middle & High School Boys
Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room: 260, Upstairs in Youth Wing

Young Adult (18-40's)

College & Career 
When: Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room: 209, Upstairs in Adult Wing

Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room: 202, Upstairs in Adult Wing

When: Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room: 201, Upstairs in Adult Wing

30’s & 30-40’s
When: Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room: 203, Upstairs in Adult Wing

Middle Adult (40-64)

40’s & 40-50’s 
When: Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room: 210, Upstairs in Adult Wing

50’s & 50-60’s
Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room:206, Upstairs in Adult Wing

Ladies – All ages
When:  Sundays  Time:  9:00 am  Room: 207, Upstairs in Adult Wing

Senior Adult (65+)

60’s – 1
When: Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room: 217, Upstairs in Adult Wing

60’s – 2
Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room: 216, Upstairs in Adult Wing

60’s – 4
When: Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room: 105, Senior Adult Wing

60‘s & 60-70’s
When: Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room: 164, Connected to the Gym

When: Sundays    Time:
9:00 am    Room:  104, Senior Adult Wing

When: Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room:  117, Senior Adult Wing




When: Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room: 113, Senior Adult Wing

70’s – 1
Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room: 111, Senior Adult Wing

70’s – 2
When: Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room: 110, Senior Adult Wing


60’s & 70’s
When: Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room: 115, Senior Adult Wing

When: Sundays    Time: 9:00 am    Room: 106B, Senior Adult Wing