Worship Pastor Job Opening
We are search for a full time Worship Pastor. If you are interested please look at the Role Overview and send a resume to WorshipSearchTeam2025@gmail..com
Worship is our response to God for who He is. Praise is our response to God for what He has done. At SBC, our Worship Ministry is founded and built upon these 2 principles. Whether we are on or off the platform, we were created to worship God. When we are on the platform, our goal is to eliminate distractions and to lead the congregation in glorifying God with the praise and worship He deserves. Our ministry environment is fun, relaxing (but also hardworking), and welcoming of those with all ranges of ability and skill. It doesn’t matter if you graduated with a music degree or just love to make a joyful noise, we have a place for you! Check out below for the different ways you can get plugged in!
“Sing to the Lord a new song, play skillfully, and shout for joy.”
Love to sing? We have a seat waiting for you in our Worship Choir. The choir is made up of individuals of all different ages and musical skills. It does not matter if you know how to read music or not, everyone has a place. The choir helps lead in worship during Sunday morning services, Nights of Worship, and other events throughout the year. Rehearsals are on Wednesday nights at 6:00 pm in the Worship Center. If you are interested in joining the Worship Choir or have any other questions, please contact the church office 256-442-8602.
Love to play an instrument? We’ve got a place for you! The Praise Band & Orchestra is the primary worship-leading instrumental group at SBC. They lead at Sunday morning services, Nights of Worship, and other events throughout the year. The Praise Band is comprised of our rhythm section, which includes guitars, drums, and keys. The Orchestra is comprised of string, brass, and woodwind instruments. Rehearsals take place on Wednesday evenings at 6:00pm in the Worship Center.
Faithful commitment to rehearsal/services and a certain level of musical proficiency is needed to serve in this area. If you are interested in serving in this ministry or have any question, please contact the church office 256-442-8602.
Our “Tech” Ministry is the backbone of the Worship Ministry at SBC. Though most of the time they go unnoticed, they are essential to what we do. Our goal is to eliminate distractions and help facilitate worship throughout all of our services and events. This is a ministry that is constantly growing in what they do and are always in need of new volunteers. Having skills in a tech area is always a plus, but the willingness to learn and work together with others is all you need! Check out below for a list of ways you can serve in the Technical Ministry at SBC:
- Audio Mixing
- Lighting
- Lyric/Video Projections
- Setup and tear down for Nights of Worship/Events
We currently live stream our services! This is an exciting adventure, but also comes with a need for more volunteers. Here are some of the volunteer positions:
- Camera Operators
- Audio Mixing
- Live Stream Mixer
- Live Stream and Social Media Hosts